EXAMPLE: !mute Troublemaker "Won't shut up while I'm talking!" Makes a character unable to talk. Intended primarily as a means to calm someone down and to give you, the StoryGuide, an opportunity to speak without being abused. Should be used with care and should not be used long-term. A better option that one of the harsher punishments like !dismiss. SEE ALSO: !disconnect, !dismiss, !suspend, !unmute +notes
- Usage: !notes accountname
- Display all notes on a given account.
- also: !addnote accountname "Note"
- also: !killnote accountname
- Usage: !office
- EXAMPLE: !office
- Teleports you Backstage. This is the place you generally will hang out when acting as a StoryGuide, and almost always the place you want to be if you're !grabbing players to talk to them.
- SEE ALSO: !grab, !join, !ungrab
- Usage: !opage character "message"
- Leaves a pending page for that character to retrieve when they next log on
- also: !opage reset <name>
- also: !opage see
- Usage: !page character/accountname "MESSAGE"
- Paging that allows you to override someone who has page busy on (DO NOT ABUSE) or allows you to page someone who is possessing an inanimate object.
- Usage: !people
- Lists characters logged in by location (grouping those together in the same location)
- Usage: !return (character optional)
- Using ‘!return' by itself will send you back to your virtual home if it is set.
- Using ‘!return character' sends that char to their virtual home if it is set
- Usage: +see (brings up helpfile)
- Used to notify you whenever a specific character logs into/out of the game.
- Usage: !sk (brings up helpfile)
- Skotos Chatline, cross game, NDA staff only. Game leads MAY have access to this on servers they are not staffing so that their staff from their own game has the ability to reach them
- Usage: !staff
- Displays NDA staff logged on
- Usage: !suspend (brings up helpfile)
- Used to suspend an account from the game. Only Guides and the game lead should use this command
- Usage: !tas (brings up helpfile)
- Task and Assist System. Very extensive system for the filing of assists, bugs, typos, ideas, and socials. Also allows staff to file tasks into personal queues.
- Usage: !typos
- Shortcut to view typos queue in TAS
- Usage: !ungrab character
- Sends the character back to the room where they were !grab-bed from
- Usage: !unmute [character]
- EXAMPLE: !unmute Launfal
- Lets someone talk again after they'd been muted. Remember to do this fairly quickly after you've muted someone! Muting is intended to just be temporary while you try and work out problems.
- SEE ALSO: !mute
- Usage: !whereis charname
- Lists the woename of the environment for that character and allows you to see the brief of the room they are in.
2020-2022, Chat Theatre Revision