TAS Help

TAS Help is subject to change without notice, but this is a sample output of the current (as of 19 Nov 2004) TAS Help output, so you do not need to keep scrolling up if you are trying to work in a window but want to see the TAS Help output.

* <font color="blue">+tas help</font> is the brief basic help.

* <font color="blue">+tas help all</font> is the complete online help for TAS.

> +tas help

Basic Help

      Lists the open tasks in the New queue
+tas (task number)
      Claims task
+tas (queue name) [(count)]
      Lists open tasks in specified queue name
+tas reverse (queue name) [(count)]
      Lists open tasks in specified queue but in reverse order
+tas (finish|done) '(message)
      Closes your claimed task with (message)
+tas (que|queue|queues)
      Lists all public queues
+tas transfer (queue)
      Moves your claimed task to specified queue
+tas transfer (task number/s) (queue)
      Moves specified task number to specified queue
+tas info (task number)
      Displays long information for specified task number
+tas current
      Displays information on your claimed tasks
+tas claimed
      Lists all claimed tasks
+tas showall (queue name)
      Shows all information for all open tasks in specified queue
+tas ugly (queue)
      Similar to 'queue' command but shows entire task message
+tas open
      Lists all open tasks in all queues
+tas online [(queue|all)]
      Lists players online with open tasks. Defaults 'New' queue if no queue name specified
+tas recap
      Lists all tasks from the previous 24 hours
+tas return
      Returns current claimed task to its queue
+tas note '(note)
      Adds specified note to your current claimed assist
+tas note (task number) '(note)
      Adds specified note to specified task number
+tas shift (task number) (character)
      Shifts login alert status to character specified

Also See: +tas help (help|basic|task|list|queue|login|misc|chat|personal|commands|subqueues|all)


+tas help all

> +tas help all

Help Help

+tas help help
      Lists this help
+tas help basic
      Lists help on basic TAS commands
+tas help task
      Lists help on task manipulation commands
+tas help list
      Lists help on list manipulation commands
+tas help queue
      Lists help on queue manipulation commands
+tas help login
      Lists help on login commands
+tas help misc
      Lists help on misc commands
+tas help chat
      Lists help on chat commands
+tas help personal
      Lists help on personal queues
+tas help commands
      Lists all commands available to TAS
+tas help subqueues
      Lists help for setting up and using subqueues
+tas help all
      Lists all help for all help topics

Basic Help

      Lists the open tasks in the New queue
+tas (task number)
      Claims task
+tas (queue name) [(count)]
      Lists open tasks in specified queue name
+tas reverse (queue name) [(count)]
      Lists open tasks in specified queue but in reverse order
+tas (finish|done) '(message)
      Closes your claimed task with (message)
+tas (que|queue|queues)
      Lists all public queues
+tas transfer (queue)
      Moves your claimed task to specified queue
+tas transfer (task number/s) (queue)
      Moves specified task number to specified queue
+tas info (task number)
      Displays long information for specified task number
+tas current
      Displays information on your claimed tasks
+tas claimed
      Lists all claimed tasks
+tas showall (queue name)
      Shows all information for all open tasks in specified queue
+tas ugly (queue)
      Similar to 'queue' command but shows entire task message
+tas open
      Lists all open tasks in all queues
+tas online [(queue|all)]
      Lists players online with open tasks. Defaults 'New' queue if no queue name specified
+tas recap
      Lists all tasks from the previous 24 hours
+tas return
      Returns current claimed task to its queue
+tas note '(note)
      Adds specified note to your current claimed assist
+tas note (task number) '(note)
      Adds specified note to specified task number
+tas shift (task number) (character)
      Shifts login alert status to character specified

Task Manipulation Help

+tas (task number)
      Claims task
+tas (finish|done) '(message)
      Closes your claimed task with (message)
+tas discard #[(...#)]
      Generic closure of tasks, can close multiple at one time
+tas transfer (queue)
      Moves your claimed task to specified queue
+tas transfer (task number/s) (queue)
      Moves specified task number to specified queue
+tas retrieve (task number)
      Returns specified closed task number to the default queue
+tas return
      Returns current claimed task to its queue
+tas link (task number one) (task number two)
      Links specified task numbers to each other
+tas flags
      Lists current defined flags
+tas flag (task number) (flag)
      Flags specified task with specified flag
+tas note '(note)
      Adds specified note to your current claimed assist
+tas note (task number) '(note)
      Adds specified note to specified task number
+tas attach (task number)
      Opens popup so you can attach multi-line note
+tas priority (task number) (priority number)
      Sets specified tasks priority to specified priority
+tas assign
      Lists any tasks that have been assigned to you
+tas assign (task number) (player)
      Assigns specified task number to specified player
+tas shift (task number) (character)
      Shifts login alert status to character specified

List Manipulation Help

+tas (que|queue|queues)
      Lists all public queues
+tas all
      Lists all queues, public and private
+tas (queue name) [(count)]
      Lists open tasks in specified queue name
+tas reverse (queue name) [(count)]
      Lists opent asks in specified queue, but in reverse order
+tas unassigned (queue name) [(count)]
      Lists all unassigned tasks in specified queue name
+tas me
      Lists open tasks for all queues that you are monitoring at login
+tas current
      Displays information on your claimed tasks
+tas claimed
      Lists all claimed tasks
+tas open
      Lists all open tasks in all queues
+tas online [(queue|all)]
      Lists players online with open tasks. Defaults 'New' queue if no queue name specified
+tas showall (queue name)
      Shows all information for all open tasks in specified queue
+tas showclosed (queue/character) [(count)]
      Shows all closed tasks for specified queue
+tas shortclosed (queue/character) [(count)]
      Shows all closed tasks for specified queue or character in short format
+tas ugly (queue)
      Similar to 'queue' command but shows entire task message
+tas search (term)
      Searches all tasks for specified term
+tas abort
      Aborts current search
+tas list (player)
      Lists all open tasks for specified player
+tas recap
      Lists all tasks from the previous 24 hours
+tas info (task number)
      Displays long information for specified task number
+tas prefer (queue name|none)
      Sets your preferred queue for listing with +tas. Set to none to remove.

Queue Manipulation Help

+tas add (queue name)
      Adds a new queue with specified name
+tas remove (queue name)
      Removes specified queue name
+tas rename (queue name) (new queue name)
      Renames current queue name with new queue name
+tas public (queue name)
      Sets specified queue as public
+tas private (queue name)
      Sets specified queue as private
+tas desc (queue name) '(queue description)
      Adds provided description to specified queue
+tas associate (queue name)
      Associates you with specified queue for task command. Use NONE to remove
+tas lock (queue name)
      Locks a queue so that only SHs may access and manipulate it
+tas unlock (queue name)
      Unlocks a queue so that anyone may access and manipulate it

Login Help

+tas login
      Lists queues you are monitoring at login
+tas login (queue name)
      Adds or removes specified queue from your monitor list
+tas watch
      Lists what tasks you are watching at login
+tas watch (task number)
      Adds specified task number to your watch list
+tas forget (task number)
      Removes specified task number from your watch list

Misc Help

+tas page (task number) '(page message)
      Sends and offline page to the player that filed the task you supplied.
+tas prefer (queue name|none)
      Sets your preferred queue for listing with +tas. Set to none to remove.
+tas stats
      Displays TAS statistics
+tas queuestats [(queue name)]
      Displays statistics all queues or specified queue
+tas twiki (queue name)
      Popup with twiki formatted code for easy copy and paste into twiki
+tas backup [(stop|start)]
      Stops, starts or forces a backup of the task databases.
+tas initialize
      Initializes a new task database system. Destroys current databases. Disabled by default

Chatline Help

+tas "on
      Start receiving and listening to the TAS chatline
+tas "off
      Stop receiving and listening to the TAS chatline
+tas "(text)
      Send specified message to the TAS chatline
+tas ":(emote)
      Send specified emote to the TAS chatline
+tas who
      Lists who is listening to the TAS chatline
+tas recall
      Lists the last few chat messages and tasks from the TAS chatline
+tas secure
      Sets preferred chatname from the body you are in for the TAS chatline
+tas hide (queue name|misc)
      Hides TAS chatline output of specified type
+tas hide
      Shows you what queues you are hiding.
+tas show (queue name|misc)
      Shows TAS chatline output of specified type. All types are shown by default.

Personal Task Queue

Personal task queues are there for your ease of use in the TAS system.
They can be setup so that any 'task' that you file goes directly into your
queue. They are also a convenient place for other staff to transfer tasks
that pertain to you or your area of interest.

Personal task queues function in the same manner as other queues, only
they are typically set as private queues and not displayed on the standard
list of queues. To setup a personal task queue, follow these simple

+tas add (queue name)
      Creates your queue
+tas desc (queue) '(description of queue)
      Adds a description to your queue
+tas private (queue name)
      Sets your task queue as a private queue
+tas associate (queue name)
      Associates you with your queue

To note, that while filing tasks into your personal queue via the 'task' command
is silent, manipulation of those tasks is not. Closing, transfering, noting, etc.
will be announced to everyone who is listening. This is done purposely to help
with the flow of communication.

Additional TAS Commands

      The basic command for using the TAS system
      For backwards compatiblity. Another basic command for using the TAS system
      Shortcut: Lists the tasks in the 'Bugs' queue
      Shortcut: Lists the tasks in the 'Ideas' queue
      Shortcut: Lists the tasks in the 'Typos' queue
task '(task)
      Files a task directly into your task queue
      Otherwise into the generic 'Task' queue
task (queue) '(task)
      Files task into specified queue

TAS SubQueues

SubQueues are a way of organizing the evergrowing list of personal
task queues and other queues that that are closely related to the
parent queue.

SubQueues are not listed in the complete list of queues as they are
members of other queues but they are still listed in the main list
of queues if they are not identified as a private queue.

To use SubQueues, follow the simple steps below:

+tas focus (queue)
      Sets your focus group
+tas focus general
      Sets your focus back to the general queue list
+tas slide (queue) (parent queue)
      Moves (queue) into (parent queue) as a subqueue
+tas slide (queue) general
      Moves (queue) back into the General subqueue

When you set your focus group and you list the queues, you will list
the subqueues of that group. Queues that have subqueues are listed
on the queue list with a * in the G column.

Also See: +tas help (help|basic|task|list|queue|login|misc|chat|personal|commands|subqueues|all)

-- Main.PeterCorless - 19 Nov 2004